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How does it work?

Hyaluronic Acid Sodium, Hyaluronan, Hyaluronate, or HA is the naturally occurring component of skin, vitreous humor fluid and importantly, in the synovial fluid of the joints. The body by itself produces HA, as well as it is turned over and degraded daily. HA is a non-sulfated glycosaminoglycan and is one of the chief parts of the extracellular matrix. A very large molecule often referred to as the “Goo” molecule, HA has the characteristics of adding to the lubrication and shock absorption in joints. HA has been studied extensively in Humans and Animals for Joint Health, Cosmetic Applications, and Eye Treatments.

Is HA safe to feed?

HA has been well studied and has extensive risk management across animal health applications as well as numerous independent safety studies.

Why use a liquid?

Liquids are “Absorption Ready” right from the mouth and throat where the mucosal membranes quickly incorporate the solution of HA. Select The Best’s HylaLUBE is apple flavored and it’s high viscosity makes it easy to add to any supplemental ration.

How much is helpful?

Most oral HA supplements provide 100-150 mg per administration, with varying loading schedules. HylaLUBE provides 325 mg per administration and loading up to 1000 mg for 2 weeks. Check with your veterinarian for optimal levels for your horse and dog.

Which form of HA is best?

There has been differing approach to which HA works best. Originally lower molecular weight HA (<50,000 daltons) produced from protein sources such as Rooster Comb was thought to be the best for of HA. Now studies show the biologically fermented high molecular weight (2.4 million daltons) HA found in our HylaLUBE is best. Furthermore, this form of HA is more durable and maintains a high purity level.

About Manufacturing:

HylaLUBE is manufactured by Richdel Inc., makers of Select The Best products. Select The Best first introduced HA products over 8 years ago and have been instrumental in developing Joint Support Products to help horses since 1989. Our HylaLUBE is manufactured in a FDA registered facility specializing in Animal Health Products. Richdel is also an audited member of the NASC (National Animal Supplement Council), your assurance of quality and risk management. We strive to offer the Best from ingredient sourcing, production through finish product delivery. We test and validate our products at each stage of manufacturing to insure you are getting the highest level of quality for you horse or dog. All of us here at Select The Best thank you for your consideration of our products.


2004 Journal of Applied Nutrition “Will the real HA please stand up?” University of Miami School of Medicine 2003

Klinik fur Rheumatologie und Rehabilitation. Bethseda-Spital: Basil, Switzerland 2002.

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