Brand Ambassadors
Caroline Tatum
My name is Caroline Tatum, I am 32 years old and I’ve been riding and passionate about horses since I was very young. My family moved a lot when I was growing up, I did not come from a horsey background, so I only really rode when we were visiting family in South Carolina. That is where I would fox hunt, event, and do dressage training with Robert and Laura Hall at Fulmer International
Professional Horsemen
What else would you like us to know? I always had aspirations of being a competitive rider, but since we moved so much, being consistent and owning a horse wasn’t possible until college. My first competitions were in IHSA competitions during my undergraduate at Berry College, but eventing and learning to be the best horsewoman I could be, was truly my passion. After undergrad I moved to Aiken, SC to work and ride for Laura Hall. I then moved to Connecticut to work for Jill Curtis at Larimar Show Stables. In 2015, I moved to Lexington, Kentucky to continue chasing my dreams of becoming a professional horsewoman. I worked for and managed world-class Thoroughbred farms, fueling my passion for the Thoroughbred as a sport horse. Lexington is where I met my heart horse Financial Empire, who eventually became the reason I built my business. I became serious about eventing in 2020 when I started South Boundary Stables and when Financial showed promise to be a great event horse. After running a successful boarding and training business, I am now the Equine Program Director and Trainer for The Secretariat Center, a nonprofit retraining and adoption center in Lexington, Kentucky.
I have two upper-level event horses who are both off-the-track thoroughbreds; Financial Empire and Turk. I enjoy retraining and rehoming off-the-track thoroughbreds and have a great love for helping them transition into their second careers.
Current Goals? I am working to move up the levels of eventing with the two horses I have and to keep training and learning to reach the highest level of International competition.
Which Select the Best products are your favorite? My favorite Select products are NuImage, Hoof Maximizer, and Hylalube. They accomplish everything, and more, that I have looked for in supplements I’ve used before finding Select. My horse’s coats have never been healthier thanks to NuImagne and my Thoroughbred’s feet are growing strongly and quickly thanks to HoofMaximizer. Both horses had intensive careers before becoming event horses so supporting their joints with Hylalube is extremely important and effective. And my picky eater loves them too!
Lyndee Stairs
My name is Lyndee Stairs and I am a 61 year old barrel racer and barrel horse trainer. Most of the time, and especially when I am riding a good horse, I feel 40.
I own and run Stairs Ranch Barrel Horses in Hanford California along with my husband Lance Stairs and co trainer Abi Price.
I have been riding horses since I was about 4 years old. Started barrel racing in 4-H on an Arabian mare. Became a professional barrel racer and barrel horse trainer in 1990 and continuing to this day. Currently a Gold Card holder in the WPRA.
My accomplishments include: WPRA/PRCA California Circuit Finals 10 times on 4 different horses that we raised and trained here. My last qualification was in 2019, twice to the Ram National Circuit Finals Rodeo, I was Top 5 both times in 2006 and 2007. Once to the American Rodeo, qualifying on 2 of our horses after winning the Run To Win. American qualifier in Corning CA in 2018. I was CCPRA Finals Champion 2000, NBHA State Finals Champion in 2007, 2008 and 2018, and NSPRA Res Champion 2022.
I have also had the opportunity to own and run many great Futurity horses. Blessed actually. The last 1D winner for me was in 2021 He, like so many of the others, have gone on to win for their new owners.
Each year we teach several Barrel Racing Horsemanship clinics at the ranch and also out of state. We promote Select The Best Products at these and during lessons at the Ranch. I take every opportunity to share Select The Best products to fellow barrel racers any chance I get.
I belong to these barrel racing associations: Womens Professional Rodeo Association, Outlaw Barrel Racing Association, Triple 7 Barrel Racing Association, National Barrel Racing Association, West Coast Barrel Racing Association and National Senior Pro Rodeo Association.
I have used Select The Best products successfully for my Equine partners health for 25 years plus. So, all of my accomplishments above have come with the assistance of Select The Best. Some of my favorites have been Select Alfalfa, Vit E Sel, Equi Cell, Stress Pack, Equi-Tussin, Nu-Hoof Maximizer, Ultra Finish Nu-Image, Power Gest, Sand Lax, Fiberpsyll, and all of the joint health products.
My current goals are to keep raising and training some good futurity horses. Finish another rodeo horse. Go back to the Circuit Finals and the NSPRA Finals.
All I want to do is ride, train barrel horses, teach barrel racing and run barrels. STILL
I love sharing Select The Best knowledge and products with my students and also my fellow competitors and have done so for a long time.
Jason Diaz
Bio coming soon!
Jon Barry
Bio coming soon!
Joshua Speer, AF-I
I’m Joshua Speer AF-I,
After serving 18 years in the Marine Corps I retired and went on to establish Rocking Speer Ranch in Missouri with my wife Teresa. In 2019 we started training horses, which led to us create a breeding program focused on ranching and barrel racing. In 2022 I completed a twelve week horseshoeing and blacksmith course adding another service at Rocking Speer Ranch. From performance horses to trail horses, and more recently specializing in therapeutic shoeing, I’ve been providing farrier services in Missouri with a big emphasis on nutrition and hoof care education. As time goes on I am challenging myself with continued education and certifications through the International Association of Professional Farriers (IAPF). Teresa and I also present at clinics bringing our expertise in hoof care, horse training, and more.
Some of my favorite Select products include Nu-Hoof Maximizer, Nu-Weight, HylaLUBE, and the new Nu-Image ClariFly.